Latest Update
All Hairdressing services will resume on Thursday 3rd December, following UK Government guidelines.
Clients must rebook, if they are ill or showing any symptoms of a persistent cough temperature fever.
Contact details must be kept for each client:
Name, address, contact number, kept on a record card in a secure box.
Disposable masks must be worn by both client & myself upon entering an establishment. Followed by a hand wash using hot soapy water, then antibacterial hand gel.
Magazines are not permitted. Please bring your tablet or phone for entertainment.
A clean laundered Protective Cutting Gown per client, Brushes single use per client, Cleaned of hair, washed with soapy water and sterilised with Barbicide. Scissors single use per client cleaned of hair, washed with soapy water and sterilised with Barbicide. Chairs, equipment, basins, work stations surfaces, work trolly, bottles, door handles all wiped using disinfectant antibacterial, before and after each client. Floors hoovered, washed with hot water, detergent and disinfectant, before and after each client. Consultations are carried out through the mirror. My client is seated in front of the mirror and I will be standing behind, facing the mirror.
Hair cutting :
I will be standing behind my client for most of the hair cut ,until I get to the front areas. I will then provide my client with a hand held protective face shield to use whilst I continue.
Uk Covid 19 : Guidelines update

UK Government states Hairdressers Beauty therapists massage therapists and all other practitioners who work in close contact with a client, must wear both a mask and a face visor.
Due to the nature of the Haìrdressing Profession and working in close proximity to the Clients Face for a extended period of time whilst carrying out Services, extra measures to safe guard both the Client and Stylist have been put in place by the UK Government.
Melanie will contact her Client prior to arrival, to ensure that the Client or Household understands the Social distancing, Hygiene measures and working procedures that will be implemented once work has commenced.
Melanie will give her Client an opportunity to ask any questions prior to entry.
Hairdressers are required to wear a clear visor which covers the face and provides a barrier between the wearer and the Client from respiratory droplets caused by Sneezing, Coughing, or speaking. The visor will cover the Forehead, extend below the Chin and wrap around the Face.
There is no requirement for the Client to wear any additional protection such as a Mask, when the Stylist is wearing a Visor.
Disposable masks are still available for Clients.
Social distancing will be maintained when a Client has a Service or a Treatment which requires a development Time for example: Hair Colouring.
When Clients are not having a Treatment or Service, both client and Stylist should maintain Social distancing and then a face covering will not be required.
Melanie will be wearing a visor whilst working in close proximity to a Client for an extended period of time, to safeguard the Client and herself from covid 19.
Working Practices will be maintained whenever possible: working back to back, side-to-side(rather than face to face).
Evidence suggests Face masks do not protect you, but may protect others if you are infected. Disposable Face masks are provide for Clients but this is not mandatory as stated by UK Government .
Only the Client and Melanie, will be present in Melanie’s Private Studio for the duration of any Service.
(Mobile Clients) please note: Only the Client and the Stylist should be present in the same room for the duration of the Service.
Please contact Melanie when you arrive for an Appointment.
(Mobile Clients) please note: Melanie will contact you on arrival.
Melanie will be wearing a visor.
Sanitizer will be provided on entry , also available inside the Studio, and on Exit.
(Mobile Clients) please note: Melanie will be wearing a visor on entry and will use and provide Sanitizer on entry, inside and on exit.
Music will be turned down low to avoid shouting and reduce risk.
The most effective methods of preventing the transmission of Covid 19 are still Social distancing and regular Handwashing. These steps must be followed as often as possible , even when the Stylist is wearing protective Equipment.
Good ventilation in the work environment is also important for example : Keeping windows open and doors open, in both Melanies Studio and your personal Home.
UK Government states no work should be carried out in a Household which is isolating because one or more Family member has a medical condition or illness and has been advised to Shield.
Please wait until advised.
Vulnerable Households over 70
Avoid face to face contact
Melanie will particularly strict regarding working behind and to the sides, avoiding in front of the client, handwashing, coughing , sneezing hygiene such as covering nose and using a disposable tissue.
UK Goverment requirement Covid 19
Melanie will record : Address and contact number for each client on a record card.
To safeguard Clients and Melanie.
Please contact and rearrange your Appointment if you are ill have a persistent cough, temperature, fever, or are unwell.
To all of my lovely Clients if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Look forward to seeing you all regards melanie.